Life no longer has any meaning for Dr. Zisowski. He's in his late 40s and starts drinking in the morning, trying to escape the ghosts of his past. Marie is a single mother with two children who moves in next door to the Professor. She quickly begins to take an interest in the unapproachable neighbour. In thebeginning, Dr. Zisowski rejects any attempt of her to approach him. As time goes on, he develops the desire to fill his inner emptiness with Marie and the children. In doing so, his past and reality merge.
Das Leben hat für Prof. Zisowski keine Bedeutung mehr. Er ist Ende 40 und trinkt freudlos in den Tag hinein, da er vor den Geistern seiner Vergangenheit fliehen will. Marie, eine alleinerziehende Mutter mit zwei Kindern, zieht neben dem Professor ein und findet Gefallen an ihm. Dieser lehnt anfangs jegliche Annäherungsversuche ab. Mit der Zeit schöpft er jedoch Hoffnung, seine innere Leere mit Marie und den Kindern zu füllen. Dabei verschmelzen für ihn jedoch Vergangenheit und Realität.
Nature is truly beautiful. It gifts us with life. It lets us breathe, love and laugh. And yet it can also be cruel. It takes our lives and tears to pieces. What remains is darkness, pain and death.
Ben and Hannah are expecting a child. During a preliminary examination, Hannah is diagnosed to suffer from a inoperable brain tumor. A treatment would endanger the child's health and life. So Hannah decides against it. Ben has trouble dealing with her decision. He swells in memories, in which happiness seems to overshadow everything. Back in reality he realizes, his love for Hannah not only saves a life.